User Experience Designer and Software Ergonomics Consultant

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User Experience (UX) and Software Ergonomics


User Experience

Inclusive Human centered design

Based and structured on the Double Diamond Model: An agnostic process, which includes all the necessary steps in design. This process is engaging for all the actors (users, stakehoders, IT Developers...) of any digital project.

User Interfaces and interactions designed with recognized methods and an Cognitivist Ergonomics approach.

From the collective intelligence involved in the digital project, the most appropriate solution will emerge.

Digital project accompanist

Whether you need an independent consultant, a supportive partner, an instructor or a manager, Ergonote can help you with your digital project.

Ergonote has the expertise and experience to help you identify, tell and solve your project challenges.

Double Diamond Model

Which challenge ?DiscoverDefineDefine the solutions.Design the solutions.DevelopThe validated solution.DeliverDivergeConvergeDivergeConvergeImplementations andMeasurementIdeation andDesignSynthesis andProblem DefinitionDesign the right solutionDesign the solution rightDesign PrinciplesHuman CenteredIterate,Iterate,IterateVisual & Inclusive CommunicationCollabore and Co-createDesign methods helping to identify and address successfull outcomes.Methods ToolboxResearch andObservation
Double Diamond Process Design Design Council 2019

Diverge, Converge?

Each project's actor is legitimate owning his/her vision of what is expected. However, each project is aimed for numerous persons and is built in teams.

The diverge phase is when each actor thinks having the solution. The converge phase is when all the propositions are shared.

The UX Designer facilitates the appropriation by all of the most accurate solution according to the context.


Software Ergonomics and UX/UI Facilitator

Familiar with multicultural and multidisciplinary environments in the high-tech industries.

We have over 15 years of experience in creating elegant and effective UX/UI designs and applying human-computer interaction principles for various software products, from start-ups to global companies.

Ergonote is your partner for designing engaging User Experiences, User Interfaces and specifications.

Areas of interventions
  • Automation Systems
  • Buisiness Intelligence
  • Booking Systems
  • Casino Systems
  • CMS
  • Compliance Mngt. Systems
  • Data and Asset Mngt. Systems
  • Documentation Mngt. Systems
  • e-Marketing
  • e-Reputation
  • e-Transaction
  • Events Mngt. Systems
  • Financial Systems
  • IoT
  • Marketing
  • Security Mngt. Systems


We use the standard tools of the digital creativity and communication industry, and we keep up with the latest technological trends, to work with the most useful ones.

Adobe Creative Cloud
Affinity Designer / Photo
Ms Office
Visual Code

The above list will be far too long if we have displayed all the tools we have used or tested.


Your digital projects and products contexts are uniques.

Ergonote uses qualitative and quantitatives methods to identify problems, link the dots and remediate.

  • Benchmarking
  • Card Sorting
  • Contextual Enquiry
  • Data Analysis
  • Design Thinking
  • Gamification
  • Heuristiques
  • Ideation Session
  • Interview
  • Shadowing
  • Story Boarding
  • Story Telling
  • Surveys
  • User Test
  • Workshop

Depending on the context, others methods can be suggested.


Each step or mission is translated into an inclusive communication.

  • Audits
  • Benchmarking Report
  • Contextual Workshops
  • Design System
  • Design Thinking Sessions
  • Experience Map
  • Journey Map
  • Flowchart
  • Mockups
  • Persona
  • Prototype
  • Recommendations
  • Service Design map
  • Task Analysis
  • Training
  • Usability Report
  • Wireframe


At any step of your digital projects, designing Human computer interaction and User Experience Ergonomics is our speciality.


The products we design are under intellectual property laws. Our interventions are also contextual, so our portfolio is not shareable and wihtout its context it is meaningless.

Ergonote can propose a guided tour only with a rendez-vous.